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Re: [udig-devel] showing selected feature

Ivan Zerlotti ha scritto:
Jody Garnett wrote:
Ivan Zerlotti wrote:

I'll try to understand the second while the third I think is over my understanding of the Udig architecture (is there any document or better any UML diagram describing it with some detail?)

Ciao Ivan,
I've build a few class diagrams by reverse engineering the uDig sources
with a beta version of the next UMLGraph release (I am a developer
in that project, too ;-) ), but they tend to become quite big, everything
seems related to everything else...

It's probably because I don't know exactly what to include/exclude from
each diagram, and also because the uDig interfaces tend to have method
javadoc, but not a class javadoc, that would allow me to understand
things faster...

Can someone of the uDig developers suggest diagram contents?
For the moment I have diagram with all of the classes implementing
the Renderer interface, which is quite readable, and a "context" diagram
for the "Map" interface, which contains everything that is directly
linked (by associations or dependencies) to it, and it's so big
that it's basically unreadable...


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