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Re: [udig-devel] showing selected feature

Jody Garnett wrote:
Ivan Zerlotti wrote:

Can someone give me some direction on how I can show a individual feature with a color different from the others in the layer?
Thank you very much

Three ways,

- Draw it again in a different color ;-) That is what we do for selections in uDig, not sure this is a valid long term approach.
This way is working and this is good enough for now (I need no interaction with the user).
I'll try to understand the second while the third I think is over my understanding of the Udig architecture (is there any document or better any UML diagram describing it with some detail?)
Thank you very much for your kind and quick reply
- Or set up an SLD rule that is based on the Feature Attirbute, and provide a PolygonSymbolizer (or Point or Line) that uses a different color. This is standards happy and will show up when you use the SLD in GeoServer.

A thrid option is the one used by the Editing, keep the feature around (in the map blackboard preferably) and set up a Tool (no end user control) (or a Map Graphic end user can turn it off) that will draw your feature.  This appoach is taken by the CIP team when they draw their Grid Bounding Box (you can look at that one in the community section).

In general I would like to move towards all "Tools" & "Plugin" storing temporary data like this on the MapBlackboard, and asking the rendering system to draw "Feature" placed on the blackboard (so we all don't duplicate the same work).  It should be noted that when using custom drawing like this you need to provide your own (non SLD based rendering system) and should provide a preference page to allow users to mess w/ the colors.


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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