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Re: [udig-devel] uDig and Mac OS X

Matt Revelle wrote:

Just FYI for any other OS X users out there, added this as a comment on the uDig install guide: For Mac OS X, you will just want to start up uDig, after installing it, by running in the RCP directory.

I agree that the included udig.bat and scripts wont work. :-)

As you tell we are having difficulty getting JAI known to the udig application.

In addition we are waiting on one of the following:
- JRE 5.0 for Mac (Linux is opperating with a similar requirement right now)
- based rendering statck

Option number two is slow, but does provide a way forward for including JAI as an eclipse plugin.
Running from Terminal with the will start up uDig but I can't find a way to switch focus to the application. Also, might need to figure out how to reference JAI and ImageIO in OS X (maybe it's done automatically?), I know I have the packages installed, and I know they work because I use them in my own Java apps…

Unfortantly the Eclipse segregation of plugins into separate classloaders is *very* complete; down to isolating plugins from the contents of JRE/lib/ext (where JAI lives). A separate command line override is required ( -Xbootclasspath).

More information can be found here: - but it sounds like you have read that.

Here is what I'm using in for Mac OS 10.3.5:


java -Xbootclasspath/a:$JAI_CP -Dosgi.splashLocation=splash/splash.bmp -classpath startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -application net.refractions.udig.ui.uDig -os macosx -ws carbon -arch ppc -nl en_US

Thanks for your help in testing on the Mac. We are going to be looking into the holongate solution above (for both JAI inclusion, and mac rendering).

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