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Re: [sumo-user] somulib parse_fast_nested

Please update to the latest repository version which now supports all use cases.

Am Mo., 17. Mai 2021 um 22:04 Uhr schrieb Sasan Amini <aminissn@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear all,

since version 1.9.1 I noticed a small change in the sumolib/ in parse_fast_nested function i.e. that causes duarouter/marouter output parsing not working as in the previous version of the function. 
Currently, I cannot retreive the attributes of route element as I could previously using my python script:
for row in sumolib.output.parse_fast_nested(filePath,'vehicle',['id','depart'],'route',['cost','probability','edges']):
        ((vehidi,departTimei),(costi,probi,edgesi)) = row 
I undid the changes and my script works again. Just wondering how should I adapt my code to work with the new function?

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