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Re: [sumo-user] Detecors coupled to traffic lights

you have encountered a netedit bug (
As a consolation, the network and detectors can be loaded into sumo / sumo-gui just fine.

Am Do., 2. Juli 2020 um 17:53 Uhr schrieb Kaubruegger, Benedikt <bkaubruegger@xxxxxx>:



I used to generate E2 Detectors, which are coupled to a traffic light.

And acted according to the following description.


Instantiating within the Simulation
It is possible to add E2-detectors which are coupled to a traffic light. Then, the tls is used to determine the intervals (aggregation) time instead of giving a fixed aggregation time. In this case, output will be generated every time the traffic light switches. To use this feature set attribute tl="<TL_ID>" to the desired traffic light id instead off attribute <freq>:
<e2Detector id="<ID>" lane="<LANE_ID>" pos="<POSITION_ON_LANE>" length="<DETECTOR_LENGTH>" tl="<TL_ID>" file="<OUTPUT_FILE>" [timeThreshold="<FLOAT>"] [speedThreshold="<FLOAT>"] [jamThreshold="<FLOAT>"]/>

The command I use looks like this:


py -n --tl-coupled -o detectors.add.xml


I am able to create a file, which contains numerous detectors such as in this example:


<additional xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
    <laneAreaDetector file="e2output.xml" tl="48889630" friendlyPos="x" id="e2det_-152098431#0_0" lane="-152098431#0_0" length="7.24" pos="0"/>




But when I try to load the additional detector file into the network I get the following Warning:


                Warning: Essential SUMOTime attribute 'freq' of e2Detector with ID 'e2det_-152098431#0_0' is missing; e2Detector cannot be created


As far as I understood „tl“ replaces the attribute „freq“, is hat correct?

Is there anything I did wrong?


I attached the network and the additional detector file.



Thank you for your help.



Benedikt Kaubrügger

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