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[sumo-user] Collision involving pedestrians

Dear users,
I performed a simulation involving pedestrians and vehicles of the class vClass = "ignoring" to see the possible collisions. I got two types of collisions. First, when a vehicle of vClass = "ignoring" changes lanes for the sidewalk, it can collide with a pedestrian. Secondly, when another vehicle of vClass = "ignoring" is stopped (for example, at red traffic light), the pedestrians do not take it into account and thus cross the vehicle, thus causing collisions at each pedestrian crossing (see the attached image, pedestrians  are blue and vehicles of the class vClass = "ignoring" are orange).
I have two questions:
- Why pedestrians do not avoid collision either by stopping or by shifting slightly to the right or left?
- What does the "stage" attribute mean in the collision message that can take the values "move", "insert", "events" or "laneChange".

Best regards,

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