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[sumo-user] Problem with importing Argis

I have problems importing arcview data for a roadnetwork I need to use on SUMO. My shapefile contains attributes for the edge ids but lacks information for --shapefile.from-id and

 I leave them blank and run:

netconvert.exe -v --shapefile-prefix RoadNetwork_Uni -o --shapefile.street-id OBJECTID --shapefile.use-defaults-on-failure

 and the program naturally fails producing this output:

 Loading data from 'RoadNetwork_Uni.shp'...
 Error: Road geometry must be of type 'linestring'.
  Import done:
    278 nodes loaded.
    146 edges loaded.
Proj projection parameters used: '+proj=utm +zone=36 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'.
 Quitting (on error).

The shapefile I have is pretty close to what netconvert wants but not quite and I was wondering whether there is any workaround I can do to make it eligible for conversion. Attached you can find a picture of a sample shapefile record with the names of the fields and a sample record and an image from ArcGIS Pro on how they are displayed in it.

Thank you,
P.S minor "error" in your examples for importing arcview data on
    On the command
    netconvert -v --shapefile-prefix tl_2008_36061_edges -o \
--shapefile.from-id TNIDF TNIDT --arcview.street-id tlid \
I'd suggest you change --arcview.street-id to --shapefile.street-id as the first is deprecated.

Attachment: arcgis-view.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: roadnetwork-shapefile-record.png
Description: PNG image

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