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Re: [sumo-user] Head on collision

Dear Mani,

I tested with a minimum scenario to let a vehicle overtake and then stay at the opposite direction via the traci change mode command. It works for me that the vehicle stays at the lane.
Please let me know if the problem still occures in your scenario.

Best regards,

2017-09-14 8:54 GMT+02:00 Laura Bieker <bieker.laura@xxxxxxxxx>:

Dear Mani,


can you send me your sumo files? Then I can test the scenario and write a test case to help you?


Best regards,



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mani Amoozadeh via sumo-user <>
Date: 2017-08-23 4:02 GMT+02:00
Subject: [sumo-user] Head on collision
To: sumo-user <>


I have created the following simple network to simulate the overtaking of a
vehicle using the opposite lane:


  <edge id="0to1" from="0" to="1" numLanes="1" speed="30" >

      <neigh lane="1to0_0" />


  <edge id="1to0" from="1" to="0" numLanes="1" speed="30" >

      <neigh lane="0to1_0" />



I need to simulate the head-on accident and when I use the TraCI to change
lane to the opposite direction, the vehicle changes lane to the opposite
lane, but changes back to its original lane.
I set the lane change mode to
0, so to disable the safety check, but it does not help. Can you help me on
that? thanks!

- Mani

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