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Re: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using sublane model

I recommend setting a minGapLat value that prevents interaction between
vehicles driving next to each other in the center of their lanes.
To do this, it is sufficient to set  minGapLat <= laneWidth - vehWidthMax
(0.7 in your scenario).

Explanation: the current model ties the actual gap requirement to the
vehicle speeds and when these fluctuate just a little bit, the vehicles
adjust their gaps accordingly.
As the model continues to evolve I may be able to find a better way to
prevent these oscillations so this is not the final word.


2017-08-08 13:48 GMT+02:00 Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>:

> Hi Jakob,
> thank you for looking into that. The problem seems to be minimized, but,
> unfortunately, when raising the demand, I can still observe the oscillating
> behavior with the current nightly snapshot (r25506). I added the same
> scenario with higher demand:
> dl/fiErEWR5TJnGw2hqCzygZRMW/
> When looking at AB_counter_truck.36 at simulation second 76.2 the blinkers
> and angels still show frequent changes. Should I just fix the parameters
> and if so, how is the relation between the different values to prevent this
> behavior?
> Thanks again for the great work, the sublane feature is very helpful!
> Jakob
> *Von:* Jakob Erdmann [mailto:namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 7. August 2017 14:55
> *An:* Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>
> *Cc:* sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Betreff:* Re: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using
> sublane model
> Thank you for providing the example scenario. The issue (
> is fixed in revision [25500].
> The relevant aspect of your scenario for exposing this problem was a
> mismatch between lane width, vehicle width and the minGapLat attribute
> (default 1.0m). In your scenario, the vehicles were unable to maintain
> their minimum preferred lateral gaps even when driving in the center of
> their lane. Setting vType attribute minGapLat="0.8" would also mitigate the
> issue.
> regards,
> Jakob
> 2017-07-25 10:48 GMT+02:00 Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> I hope I prepared a meaningful and minimal enough example. It can be
> downloaded here:
> For example AB_counter_car.3 leaves the network straight on the second
> lane, whereas AB_counter_car.27 alternates between 203.88 degrees and
> 205.86 degrees from step 69.1 on.
> The alternating indicators can be seen on some of the trucks. With curved
> networks and more variable traffic, the effects become more obvious though.
> I hope that helps, let me know, if I can provide anything else.
> Thanks again
> Jakob
> *Von:* Jakob Erdmann [mailto:namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 25. Juli 2017 14:36
> *An:* Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>
> *Cc:* sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Betreff:* Re: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using
> sublane model
> Hello,
> fluctuation decisions indicate a bug in the sublane lane-change model. You
> can help to get this fixed by providing a minimal example scenario (the
> fewer vehicles and edges the better).
> regards,
> Jakob
> 2017-07-25 6:10 GMT+02:00 Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> sorry to warm this topic up again. I’ve been looking a bit more into it
> again and I definitely see some improvement, but the behavior of the
> sublane model with 0.1 s step still leads to a frequent change in the sign
> of the yaw rate of vehicles. Furthermore, for some vehicles, there seem to
> be fluctuating decisions about lane changes, so each step they redecide and
> the indicators blink right and left alternating each step.
> Is this still considered a bug or just the nature of the sublane
> lane-change model? If the latter is the case, are there suggested parameter
> sets to damp this behavior?
> Thanks a lot for your suggestions
> Jakob
> *Von:* Kaths, Jakob
> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 14. Juli 2017 13:18
> *An:* sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Cc:* 'Jakob Erdmann' <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Betreff:* AW: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using
> sublane model
> Sorry, I should have tried the latest developer version first. Looks a lot
> better on first glance! Thanks!
> *Von:* Jakob Erdmann [mailto:namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>]
> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2017 14:10
> *An:* Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>
> *Cc:* sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Betreff:* Re: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using
> sublane model
> Hello,
> this is due to a bug which has been fixed in the latest development
> version.
> regards,
> Jakob
> 2017-07-13 8:05 GMT+02:00 Kaths, Jakob via sumo-user <
> sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi everybody,
> I know there have been some bugfixes in this area lately, but still I
> observe somewhat odd behavior when using the sublane model. Especially
> longer vehicles (trucks, busses) in some parts of my network seem to
> fishtail/swerve for no apparent reason. They perform oscillating angle
> changes, which makes them "wiggle" without actually changing lanes. I set
> the lateral resolution to 0.5, the step size to 0.1 and I'm using the SUMO
> 0.30.0 release.
> Are there any hints on how to avoid this behavior? I tried adjusting the
> lateral speed (to 0.1), but it doesn't help.
> Thanks!
> Jakob
> --
> Dipl.-Ing. Jakob Kaths
> Technische Universität München
> Ingenieurfakultät Bau Geo Umwelt
> Lehrstuhl für Verkehrstechnik
> Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Busch
> jakob.kaths@xxxxxx<mailto:jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>
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