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Re: [paho-dev] Websocket SSL Issue in Chrome?


what platform do you use for testing? Do you happen to use MacOSX? If yes, could you try on Windows if this is also an issue there?


Adam H wrote:

Yeah, it appears to not just be Chrome. The results are all similar, where it appears a socket is not being opened. I have no way to test this on another SSL Websockets broker, so having a hard time trouble shooting.

This can't be the 'expected' way the client works, so I know there has to be some configuration issue somewhere. I hesitate to say its the broker I'm using, but again, can't pin point it. 

Any ideas on where to focus my energy to debug this would be appreciated. I think I mentioned it before, but once I go to the the browser will happily use the Paho client to connect, but only after.

Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:53:14 +0000
From: Ian Craggs <icraggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: paho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [paho-dev] Websocket SSL Issue in Chrome?
Message-ID: <5319CF4A.6070107@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"


have you tried any other browsers to see if this is Chrome specific?


On 03/06/2014 03:41 PM, Adam H wrote:
> I have started a discussion about my issue over at the HiveMQ Google
> Group
> <> which
> goes over my issue. To be clear, I am having a hard time pinpointing
> what may be the component causing my setup problems (broker, client
> browser, or paho _javascript_). Specifically, the problem is that I need
> to first visit my broker at the specific port it is running on prior
> to trying to open a WebSocket via the Paho _javascript_. Once I've visit
> I am then able to establish a secure
> WebSocket with the Mqtt broker using the paho _javascript_ API.
> System components:
> * HiveMQ 1.4.4 - Configured to use Websockets over SSL
> * Paho _javascript_ code
> * DigiCert Signed SSL key/certificate
> My problem is easily replicated in Chrome (Version 33). I have written
> _javascript_ which leverages the Paho _javascript_ that is running on a
> private server, but for testing purposes the publicly available HiveMQ
> Websocket client <> works
> just fine. I have added the screenshots of the steps I take.
> If I start a fresh browser and point the host field to my HiveMQ
> broker and try to access I get the following pop-up.
> Screenshot1.png Attached
> To resolve I go to and see the following
> message "not a WebSocket handshake request: missing upgrade".
> Screenshot2.png Attached
> Then I go back to the client and connect and have no issue.
> Screenshot3.png Attached
> Thank you for any help resolving this.
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Ian Craggs
icraggs@xxxxxxxxxx                 IBM United Kingdom
Comitter on Paho, Mosquitto

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