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Re: [paho-dev] Websocket SSL Issue in Chrome?


Yeah, it appears to not just be Chrome. The results are all similar, where it appears a socket is not being opened. I have no way to test this on another SSL Websockets broker, so having a hard time trouble shooting.

This can't be the 'expected' way the client works, so I know there has to be some configuration issue somewhere. I hesitate to say its the broker I'm using, but again, can't pin point it. 

Any ideas on where to focus my energy to debug this would be appreciated. I think I mentioned it before, but once I go to the the browser will happily use the Paho client to connect, but only after.

Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:53:14 +0000
From: Ian Craggs <icraggs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: paho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [paho-dev] Websocket SSL Issue in Chrome?
Message-ID: <5319CF4A.6070107@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"


have you tried any other browsers to see if this is Chrome specific?


On 03/06/2014 03:41 PM, Adam H wrote:
> I have started a discussion about my issue over at the HiveMQ Google
> Group
> <> which
> goes over my issue. To be clear, I am having a hard time pinpointing
> what may be the component causing my setup problems (broker, client
> browser, or paho _javascript_). Specifically, the problem is that I need
> to first visit my broker at the specific port it is running on prior
> to trying to open a WebSocket via the Paho _javascript_. Once I've visit
> I am then able to establish a secure
> WebSocket with the Mqtt broker using the paho _javascript_ API.
> System components:
> * HiveMQ 1.4.4 - Configured to use Websockets over SSL
> * Paho _javascript_ code
> * DigiCert Signed SSL key/certificate
> My problem is easily replicated in Chrome (Version 33). I have written
> _javascript_ which leverages the Paho _javascript_ that is running on a
> private server, but for testing purposes the publicly available HiveMQ
> Websocket client <> works
> just fine. I have added the screenshots of the steps I take.
> If I start a fresh browser and point the host field to my HiveMQ
> broker and try to access I get the following pop-up.
> Screenshot1.png Attached
> To resolve I go to and see the following
> message "not a WebSocket handshake request: missing upgrade".
> Screenshot2.png Attached
> Then I go back to the client and connect and have no issue.
> Screenshot3.png Attached
> Thank you for any help resolving this.
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> paho-dev mailing list
> paho-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

Ian Craggs
icraggs@xxxxxxxxxx                 IBM United Kingdom
Comitter on Paho, Mosquitto

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