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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Concurrency tck for ee 9

Hi Fred,

On Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 8:37 PM Frederick W Rowe <frowe@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I volunteered to help out with the ee 9 updates for the concurrency project and since Steve has already made the api and spec updates, I've made the package renames necessary for the TCK project.  Concurrency is in wave 0 of the ee 9 project plan (  Although the spec and api have no dependencies, the TCK depends on Resource anno (wave 0), servlet (wave 1), transaction (wave 4), and ejb (wave 5).  Has there been any discussion on how to deliver the TCK updates?  The simplest thing answer is to wait until after wave 5 is complete (ballot start planned for 5/19), but I don't know if that's the right answer....

We just started a TCK build via, will soon know if that succeeds in building the TCK.

The change updated some more of the TCK building, to use for building TCKs.  

jakarta.jakartaee-api-9.0.0-RC1.jar contains the jakarta package concurrency api classes and the javax concurrency classes will still be on the TCK classpath as well (temporarily, until we fully transition over to actually use the jakarta classes).  

We started changing some of the TCK sources to expect both the jakarta.* namespace SPEC API + implementation classes, so we are not expecting the TCK to actually just pass, until we have we have the full GlassFish EE 9 implementation after wave 5.

IMO, after we complete changing the TCK to use the Jakarta EE 9 SPEC API classes, that might be a good time to start bringing GlassFish implementation classes in, perhaps before wave 5 is completed, so we might see some (lower only wave) dependency tests passing (if there are any).

Also, IMO, after wave 5 is completed, then there will be more iterations, of actually trying to get GlassFish to pass the TCKs, which likely will involve more TCK + GlassFish changes.  



Fred Rowe

WebSphere Architect for JCA/JDBC connectivity and WAS for IBM i
Senior Software Engineer
IBM Cloud

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