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Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Jakarta EE specifications community outreach

Hello Jakarta EE Spec Project  leads,

here is a another reminder about the polls. See the tread bellow for Jakarta MVC.

I will also take this opportunity to remind you about the request from Jakarta EE Platform team (Feb 9th, 2021)

Prepare for Jakarta EE 9.2 or EE 10 release

  • Communicate a deadline for individual Component release plans – April 15

Please reach out to your teams and submit your plans for review. If you are setting up meetings for your teams, please consider publishing them on this public Calendar. If you do not have access to it, let me or Ivar know so we can help out.

Best Regards,


On 2021-03-01 10:04 a.m., Tanja Obradovic wrote:

Hello All,

quick reminder about this initiative.

Here is an example Jakarta MVC has created, it may help illustrating what we are trying to do and help you with the ideas in terms of questions. There are two polls we created out a week apart. (still open)

Here is another example from Dalia Abo Sheasha for Jakarta Persistence

Can you please reach out to your teams and suggest the questions? We'll be happy to engage with the community for their input.

For teams who have done this already, please send your questions my and/or Ivar's way.

Many thanks!


On 2021-01-26 10:02 a.m., Tanja Obradovic wrote:

Hi Jakarta EE Spec leads,

Now that we are all looking forward to innovations in Jakarta EE specifications, we would like to help you gather input from the community. One idea we have is to run polls on Twitter where we ask the community for feedback regarding specifications. The plan is to run one or more polls per specification. 

Please reach out to us with suggestions for alternatives in the poll(s) for YOUR specification.

Many thanks!!

Ivar and Tanja


Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration


Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration


Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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