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[jakartaee-platform-dev] Pushing RCx or Mx to maven central

At the moment, some specs push RCx or Mx to maven central, which is great so that implementations can easily pick them up and provide feedback if anything is not working. However, not all specs follow this approach. Can we get the following specs to push their latest Mx or RCx to maven central so that implementations can easily consume them? Open Liberty would like to consume the artifacts as soon as possible so that we can provide timely feedback if we find any issues.

  • authentication 3.0 
  • authorization 2.1 
  • concurrency 3.0 
  • connectors 2.1 
  • _expression_ language 5.0 
  • faces 4.0 
  • jsonp 2.1 
  • jsonb 3.0 
  • jstl 3.0 
  • messaging 3.1 
  • pages 3.1 
  • persistence 3.1 
  • restfulWS 3.1 
  • security 3.0 
  • servlet 6.0 
  • websocket 2.1 
Your help is greatly appreciated!

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