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[geomesa-users] LineString data query problem


I am using geomesa with HBase to do some testing. In the process I found that I can't use bbox to query data when I use XZ index.

This is the code I declare schema:


sft = SimpleFeatureTypes.createType(getTypeName(), attributes.toString());


This is the code I am storing data for:


builder.set("taxiId", key);
StringBuilder pointStringBuilder = lineById.get(key);
builder.set("geom", "LINESTRING (116.36919 39.90568,116.32919,39.91568 ,116.33919,39.92568)");
builder.featureUserData(Hints.USE_PROVIDED_FID, Boolean.TRUE);


This is the code I am querying for data:


String bbox = "bbox(geom,115, 35, 120, 45)";
queries.add(new Query(getTypeName(), ECQL.toFilter(bbox)));


The result obtained after running the query statement is empty. What is wrong with it? Is there any relevant information to check?




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