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Re: [embed-cdt-dev] status

> On 20 Mar 2020, at 18:02, Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Liviu, It seems that you have progressed quite well and that the Eclipse Plug-ins are now in Eclipse control. 

yeah... not very happy with the experience. :-(

> What next? How can I help to progress this. We should schedule a first release under the new umbrella so that we can get everything in place. Once that first release (and its review) is complete, then future releases will be much quicker.

Yes, thank you for your help.

Right now I'm very busy with completing the new xPack Build Box v3.1 and building the existing binaries (including the arm-none-eabi-gcc) with it.

I'll try to submit the new CQs, just to be sure I did my homework, release the new binaries, and then return to the Embed CDT project.



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