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[] Extended Talks for EclipseCon

Looking into the submission system I see 21 extended talks that we
need to shove down to 10. I just thought I'd list my thoughts here
to see if it gets some discussions going :)

* 1095 OSGi Best and Worst Practices
This is accepted by OSGi DevCon - KEEP

* 1134 Eclipse to the Rescue
This is a Top 6 talk, so KEEP

* 1224 Composite Bundles - Isolating Applications in a
Collaborative OSGi world
Accepted by the OSGi DevCon - KEEP

* 1203  A world-class Linux IDE: how do we get there from here?
This is a Top 6, so KEEP

Now there follows a number of talks that are basically about
Eclipse projects.

*  1146  Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT)
*  1278  Modeling Project Runway 2010
*  1349  An Introduction to Java Profiling using Eclipse TPTP
*  1373  Scale, Share and Store your Models with CDO
*  1388  Searching the Cloud - the EclipseRT Umbrella!
*  1405  BIRT to the Bare Metal: Framework and API
*  1506  The future of Mylyn

Actions: reduce time on 1506 - do demos at Unconf; keep 1405,
1388, 1349, 1278, 1146; reduce time on 1373;

And there are some that are about non-Eclipse projects

* 1226  Java EE 6 application development, OSGi and Eclipse users
* 1333  The state of the art in Spring and Grails developer tooling

Actions: reduce time on 1226, 1333;

And there are ones that are like case studies, or business-y

*  1429  Working in the Cloud: Development, Deployment and
              Project Management for
*  1359  OneBench Reloaded - Pushing the (OSGI) Modularity
             Story in an Enterprise-wide Rich Client Stack
*  1228  Eclipse in the Enterprise: Lessons from Google

Actions: reduce time on 1228, 1429;  keep 1359

Then there's a kind-of a 'deep dive' style of talk

*  1295  JavaScript Debugged
*  1324  Write once, test everywhere? Cross platform development and
               testing with Eclipse

Actions:  tentative reject on 1324; reduce time on 1295

Then there's talks that I think don't require 50 minutes

* 1097 Groovy for Java Developers
* 1473  Participate in Eclipse for Your Success!
* 1513  A Mind Blowing Use of Eclipse Technologies

Actions:  tentative reject on all three

Oof, that was savage. Summary:

Extended talks:  1095, 1134, 1146, 1203, 1224, 1278, 1349,
1359, 1388, 1405

Cut to standard: 1226, 1229, 1295, 1429, 1333, 1373, 1506

Reject: 1097, 1473, 1513, 1324

Pile on there with comments.


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