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Re: [ecf-dev] previous message : null createInstance incomplete

2009/6/10 Scott Lewis <slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Pierre,

What is the content of the second String passed to the JGroupsNamespace.createInstance method?
*jgURL*  is the *args[0]* passed to the app which is:

I noticed that the exception behavior of JGroupsNamespace.createInstance is sort of strange, so I enhanced it somewhat (now, if JGroupsID constructor throws an IDCreateException then the createInstance just rethrows that exception...this should give more information about the error you are now getting...which I believe is caused by some problem with the JGroupsID constructor).
Havent we had a bug with Remy about this ? 

Note that the JGroupsID creation can/could be changed/enhanced to handle more/other params and param types (other than URI, String)...the current impl is probably a little bit too simple/restrictive.



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