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Re: [che-dev] Making the registry field mandatory

> The reason is to enforce repeatable workspaces: if the registry is not explicitly specified Che, odo or any consumer of the devfile, will pick its default registry and the resulting workspace will depend on the local definition of the parent.

Two observations:

1. If the registry uri becomes mandatory, the separation of id and registry uri becomes meaningless and we can just have a 'uri' field.

2. If we make the registry field mandatory, we lose the ability to override the registry. That is a loss of functionality. Did we talk to the folks working with customers whether that functionality is used in the field? Right now, talk is only about the "parent" field, but I would expect the discussion to extend to the plugin registry soon. Also, let's talk about how it would affect developing devfiles. If you co-develop the parent and the child devfile, overriding the registry would be useful.


On 16/04/2021 18:41, Mario Loriedo wrote:
Hi all,

Recently we have discussed a proposal to make the parents "registry" field mandatory in the devfild v2 spec.

For example:
parent:      # NOT VALID
  id: nodejs

parent:      # VALID
  id: nodejs

The reason is to enforce repeatable workspaces: if the registry is not explicitly specified Che, odo or any consumer of the devfile, will pick its default registry and the resulting workspace will depend on the local definition of the parent.

The drawback is that when using a local or custom devfile registry (as we do for Che today) the devfile registry URL is unknown until the deployment. The getting started devfiles should be patched with the correct URL. If the devfile registry URL is updated by the admin the example devfiles should be updated too.

We currently do not use parents in our sample but we plan to in the next months and the same applies when we reference che-theia plugins registry in che-theia-plugins.yaml files.

Is there any concern in making the registry field mandatory?


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