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[che-dev] The new dashboard click party

Hello, Che devs!

As you probably are aware (I hope I did enough to spread the info)
of click party which is purposed to increase the quality of the new Dashboard.

Thanks a lot Deploy, Platform, Editors, Plugins, Docs teams for participating 
and providing their feedback for a new Dashboard.

Before closing it officially, I wanted to welcome everybody who hasn't
participated yet but is interested in.
Just contact me and I'll set it up for you, or if you already have the nightly Che Cluster just do it and provide your feedback.

The brief agenda of Click party is:
- I provide the nightly Che deployed on my cluster;
- You assign user stories to yourself in a special spreadsheet [1]
  User stories should mainly cover all the available functionality of Dashboard
  Their detailed description lives at GDoc [2];
- You test assigned stories and provide issues/feedback if any;


Serhii Leshchenko


Red Hat 

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