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Re: [che-dev] login system for che server

Hi Tyler,

I tried code evny for an android app. But it couldn't load the workspace. I'd like to use the S3 buckets to store the project code files and call the android SDK only for building the code. It seems that the che server requires lot of computing resources for multi user login. 

 Instead of creating multiple VM instances. A better approach would be to use the login system only for the IDE and managing project files (an Amazon S3 bucket per user).  The sdks should be called only for compiling/ building the code. The building/compiling requests from multiple users should go into a queue management service for better utilization of the computing resources.

On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Tyler Jewell <tjewell@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Arun:

Thanks for using Che.  It is only through the contributions of the community that we are able to make it into a better product.

Che is a single user product.  We are considering a simple multi user auth system for later this year.  

Right now you can run Che as a Che farm with each user getting a separate VM or perhaps you can try Codenvy which offers a multi user multi tenant implementation of Che.

More details are at - 

There are also users that have shared their multi user configurations on the github repo in the issues backlog.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 8:05 PM -0700, "Arun Kumar" <arunkumar413@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Team,

I had installed the che server on an amazon EC2 instance. However I'd to make it available only for logged in users. For this I'd like use the google authentication/authorization. Could you please help me on how to connect the che server to the google authentication. Should I redirect the user to the EC2 instance IP after the user authenticates? or should I tweak the eclipse che files to integrate the login.


Arun Kumar

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