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[atf-dev] Eclipse ATF new name - vote here :

There have been a good bunch of suggestions for new names for the ATf
project here : and
on the newsgroup.
At that point I would like to tally them all and  start a vote!

I created a Survey monkey here:
Join the fun!

AFTA	 = "AFT is the Framework Toolkit for Ajax"
AIDE	 = Ajax IDE
AIDS	 =  Ajax Integrated Development System
ASIF	 = Ajax and Scripting Integration Framework
AWDT	 = Ajax, Web and DHTML toolsW2T	 = web 2.0 tools
B4	 = because it's not AFTA
CAFE	 = Common Ajax Framework for Eclipse
CAST	 = Customizable Ajax and Script Toolkit
CAT	 = Common Ajax Toolkit
CAT-KIT	 = Common Ajax ToolKIT (think Kit-Kat)
DAJ	 = DHTML, Ajaax and JavaScript
DECAF	 = Developing EClipse Ajax Framework
EAST	 = Expansive Ajax and Script Tooling/Easy Ajax and Script
EJAX	 = Eclipse aJAX
FAST	 = Functional Ajax and Script Toolkit
FAT	 = Framework for Ajax Tooling 
FATASS	 = Framework for Ajax Tooling And Some Scripting
FEAST	 = Funcational Extensive Ajax and Script Toolkit
FLARE	 = Functionally Leverage Ajax Requirements in Eclipse
JADE	 = JavaScript Ajax DHTML Environment
JADED	 =JavaScript Ajax DHTML Editor and Debugger
JAWOHL = Javascript Ajax Web Oop HtmL
Jcool  =
Jquick =
JSDDT	 = JavaScript and Dom Development Tools
JSlick =
JStimmt =
Locrian	 =  The other Ajax the Locrian,
NAJ	 = Not an Ajax Framework
NORAP	 = NOt the Rich Ajax Platform
NOTRAP	 = NOt The Rich Ajax Platform
RIAF	 = Rich Internet Application Framework
Salamis	 = The kingdom of Ajax 
TAD	 = Tools for Ajax Development 
Telamon = the famous Ajax that fought in Trojan war's dad
T-FAD	 = Tools For Ajax Development 
TINAF	 = This Is Not An Ajax Framework
TINATF	 = This Is Not Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
TOAD	 = Tools Of Ajax Development 
WCDT	 = Web Client Development Tools.
WCT	 = Web Client Tools
YAAP	 = Yet Another Ajax Project

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