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[ajdt-dev] ajdt and aspectj bugs fixed

I've committed fixes to the following P2 ajdt bugs, some of which required
AspectJ updates.


40343: AspectJ compiler does not honour Java Compiler settings
40344: Task list not cleared when "Remove AspectJ Nature" used
40602: eclipse 2.1 per-project compiler options are ignored  
24637: "use javac.." option fails to produce .class files 
39628: Compiler settings do not change AJC 
40380: AspectJ does not honour libraries defined via Project Properties

Thanks to Matthew Webster for the patch that solved 40344.  You'll also
noticed that I've added a "testdata" directory to the org.eclispe.ajdt
plug-in, and stuck bug-specific workspaces with tests in there.  I'll keep
with the practice of making a workspace per-bug where applicable to ease
automation down the road.


Related to bug 40343 I changed the default ajc compiler behavior to ignore
unreachable code (matching javac).

AJDT bug 40380 was in AspectJ.  The IDEs were getting the command-line
classpath prepended (this included the environment's classpath).  Now non
command-line clients now have the option of avoiding having a classpath
generated when calling BuildArgParser.getnBuildConfig(..).



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