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[ajdt-dev] integration weaves - messages from a file?

I most often want to use AJDT to weave classes and libraries
outside the current project.  I think I want a build that:

- builds the required projects, whether AspectJ or Java

- zips up each binary output directory, distinguishing
  - aspectpath binary aspects
  - input jars classes or libraries
  - {boot}classpath classes or libraries

- weaves all but classpath entries into a single output jar
  including resources

E.g., a final weave specified like this:

-injars "../gui/bin.jar;../app/bin.jar;../lib/ant/lib/ant.jar"
-aspectpath "../test-aspects/bin.jar;../sync/bin.jar"
-outjar app.jar
would say build the gui, app, test-aspects, and sync projects,
zip up their products, weave them (and the ant library),
and zip them up, along with their resources.

I thought about ways to upgrade AJDE/AJDT for this
which I'm happy to discuss, but I suspect it's not first
on your plate.  So most likely I'll just write a quickie
Ant script/task to be productive now.

I'd still like to be able to see the compiler messages
in something like a task list.  Unlike a task list,
fixing code wouldn't remove a task.  But I could still
see feedback and navigate to available source.

So: How could I upgrade the AJDT task list for this?
Would you suggest I fork a variant to use in a tiny plugin?

Also, if I wanted to display a structure model read from .ajesym
files, how would I do that?  Is that an AJDE question?

Thanks -

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