We identified a bug in Dali smoke testing
(https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=322598) that normally
would prompt a No vote for milestone declaration. Given that this is
M1, and the fact that the proposed fix would have the potential to
affect other components (requiring re-testing from other teams), I am
changing my non-voting status to a Yes vote for declaration.
David M Williams wrote:
Smoke Test Request for WTP 3.3.0 M1
Please document your Project's testing
and approval of this build, by Friday, noon (Eastern Time),
or let us know if that's not possible.
There are some versioning _errors_ in
this build ... where the version goes _down_ from our 3.2.1 release.
I suspect this means some maintenance
branches have not been merged with HEAD yet?
I personally feel these should be
for our M1 ... but am open to discussion if people don't have
time to do it today. It is after all a
milestone build?
Current Build
Smoketest Results
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