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Re: [wtp-releng] Massive JUnit failures prevent email notification

My understanding of the OSGI XML Factories are that it just allows you to grab an instance of an XML Parser from a pool of parsers held by a OSGI Declartive Service. Nothing that has to be implemented or modified in Xerces. Just need to contribute the parser to the Service. I could be wrong though, won't be the first or last time.


David M Williams wrote:
We've isolated the failures to some code of ours that we moved (from one
plugin to another) that allows us to read in different versions of an XML resource.

Do you have a bug open for this? I'd like to follow the issue and solution. I'm always on the look out for xerces related problems, and always curious if we'll ever need to beef up the Orbit version of xerces with the OSGi recommended factories. Thanks,

Neil Hauge <neil.hauge@xxxxxxxxxx>
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
07/15/2009 03:48 PM
Re: [wtp-releng] Massive JUnit failures prevent email notification
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Thanks for the additional info. We already ruled out the jar changes as the possible cause, so no need to dig into that. We've isolated the failures to some code of ours that we moved (from one plugin to another) that allows us to read in different versions of an XML resource.


David M Williams wrote: Thanks Neil. You can, if you'd like, leave them enabled in HEAD, so you can still do tests of a fix by manually kicking off a HEAD build. I did just now, today, switch our scripts to use IBM's Java 6 Service Release 5 ... it had been SR3, and has been SR3 for a very long time, so a change in VM wouldn't account for the "sudden" change in behavior. (That is, I would not expect moving to SR5 to "fix" it, but wanted to mention this, in case it was some how magically fixed). Is this still the XML configuration issue? You did also change JPA jars too, right? I'll take a closer look at this now, if that'd be helpful.

Neil Hauge <neil.hauge@xxxxxxxxxx>
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
07/15/2009 10:40 AM
Re: [wtp-releng] Massive JUnit failures prevent email notification
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Yep. We'll go ahead and comment out the failing suites for now. They do only fail on the build machine, so that is making things more tricky. Hoping to reproduce locally on Linux with IBM JDK, but haven't tested this yet.


David M Williams wrote:
The more observant among us have noticed that email notifications from our builds have not been sent recently. (Thanks Carl). This is because there is an error from the mail server reporting that "the message is too large". (And the typical limit is 20 Meg!). I think the messages are too large because of the massive JUnit failures in some of the suites. Perhaps those suites could be disabled until they are fixed? Do they happen only on build machine? There is probably a way we can fix the message output so it is slimmed down for massive JUnit failures ... but, I'd prefer not to do that extra work if this is a temporary, rare, and transient problem. Thanks,

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