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[wtp-pmc] Minutes of PMC Telecon, 2005-08-23
Attendees: Arthur Ryman, David Williams,
Naci Dai, Lawrence Mandel
Regrets: Tim Wagner (attending Eclipse
planning meeting)
1. Ecosystem Update
the FAQ page has been updated
tte Community page will be updated soon
most tutorials have been updated to reflect WTP 0.7 content
there has been great feedback on WTP 0.7 in the newsgroup, frequent posts,
good discussions, problem reports captured as bugs
Help system contributions have been received from Christoph Krawczyk and
Christopher Judd
EclipseWorld is being held in New York next week and there are many WTP
EclipseCon 2006 has issued a call for submissions, please ask your colleagues
to contribute abstracts
2. WTP 0.7.1 Release Status
David -
the NL fixes have been made
Naci -
looks like non-NL fixes have also been committed
Arthur -
we need to limit fixes to NL and sever problems
we have not formally committed to a 0.7.1 release
we need to establish the demand from adapters and end users
if we do have a formal 0.7.1 release, we should synchronize it with Eclipse
[action] Arthur to followup on
demand for a 0.7.1 release [1]
3. WTP 1.0 Release Planning
Arthur -
we need to firm up our plans and establish the API set we will release
see the roadmap for 1.0 priorities [2]:
* Promote selected provisional
APIs to platform status based on vendor requirements.
* Componentize WTP into
Features to enable adopters to select subsets of function.
* Fix National Language
* Fix Accessibility bugs.
* Fix other important
bugs, with high priority given to those required by adopters.
* Upgrade Help system
David -
agreed, with the understanding that performance problems are included under
"other important bugs"
I've been working on the Feature definition
Naci -
Arthur -
any planned enhancements in addition to bugs?
Naci -
possibly a CMP EJB creation wizard
some Web service enhancements are being planned
David -
possibly spell checking and folding, subject to sizing and resource
[action] Arthur to send out note
requesting component leads to update their milestone plans and to map APIs
to milestones
David -
the recent build breaks have been mainly caused by JUnit timeouts, but
are otherwise stable
the builds may destabilize as more code gets committed
4. Release Engineering
David -
we resolved the treatment of maintenance (M) builds
they are treated like integration builds
Naci -
I've need refactoring the build scripts and and documenting the process
we need to have reproducible builds that can be run locally
I am restructuring the tasks so they are more modular
I've been assessing Maven, which is widely used at Apache, as a way to
simplify our build scripts
5. Charter Revisions
Arthur -
Mike proposal a delta to our revisions in the area of working on draft
the terms of use of the draft standards must be consistent with our use
in Eclipse
Naci -
David -
[action] Tim to make the change
and resubmit to Mike for approval
6. WTP 1.5 Planning
Arthur -
see roadmap [2]
Eclipse 3.2 is proposing a train
projects can opt in to a coordinated release
recommend we opt in
to catch the train we need to move up our milestone dates by 2 weeks
David -
Naci -
Arthur -
I'll update the roadmap now, but we should wait for a PMC quorum to formally
opt it
[action] Tim to review Eclipse
3.2 planning with PMC and hold vote on opting in
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=107743
[2] http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/development/planning/roadmap.html
7. Architecture Update
David -
I am working on a proposal for Feature definition in WTP 1.0 and will post
it soon
Arthur -
can we target this for 1.0 M8?
David -
yes, but not completely due to some additional refactoring work
8. Other Business
Naci -
Gorkem has developed a PDE tool to aid ISVs in creating server adapters
David -
has the PMC agreed to support this type of tool
Arthur -
this will help promote the adoption of WTP APIs and extension points
we should encourage this type of tool for all of our extension points
David -
I suggest we start by packaging this type of tool in the SDK examples directory
of each component
David -
should be be providing zips for each Feature?
if so, can we use CVS to host them?
Arthur -
CVS is not good for binaries since it can't diff them and the server isn't
why not have a single binary zip and let adopters extract binaries from
David -
OK, we won't build mulriple zips for now
Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division
blog: http://ryman.eclipsedevelopersjournal.com/
phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 4169395063@xxxxxxx