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Re: [wtp-incubator-dev] Dependency on Validator framework

David Carver wrote:
Well, looks much more promising then I thought. Again my concern is about performance, and I include general XSL Validation either structural or syntax in with any XML Validation. The two bugs I listed 210413 and 210416 really apply to any type of validation where you have structural checks that that need to occur and a DTD or Schema that can be used to check that the structure is correct.
Hmmm. I am assuming that XSL files in the future can be excluded from the "generic" XML validation, the the XSL part will be checked by our more specific validator, and since the output fragments inside the XSLT constructs are going to be semi-validatable at best (and marked processContent="lax" anyway)

<xsl:template name="doElement">
   <other:someElement id="{@id}">
      <xsl:if test="@someAttribute">
<other:subElement><xsl:value-of select="@someAttribute"/></other:subElement>

In the example, it would not make sense to tell a normal XML validator about the schema for namespace 'other', since the schema for someElement and someElement likely won't like XSLT-constructs in their attributes and content model. I doubt that's what you are implying, but I just want to be certain.

In other words, it will be the job of the XSL validator to read the XSL version number, point to the proper schema, and handle the validation from there (no xsi-stuff!!), with the added semantic stuff I've mentioned before as an additional layer on top.


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