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[wtp-dev] How can I add aditional action to "Show In" menu inside Servers View

Hello there,

I am trying to add additional action to “Show In” menu inside Servers view, but by using approach described in I only can get my action inside main menu, but not in the popup menu inside server view.

This is what I am doing as declarations in plugin.xml:


       <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.menus">

              <menuContribution locationURI="popup:org.eclipse.ui.menus.showInMenu">

              <command commandId="my.command.01"> </command>



       <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.commands">

             <category id="my.category.01"

                     name="My category">


             <command categoryId="my.category.01"


                    description="Some Description ..."


                     name="My New Action">




This is what I am get as result:

And this is the menu that I am want to contribute:


Is there any way that I can make this?


Best Regards,

Dobromir Zahariev


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