Hi Chris,
Thanks for your rapid response.
My problem is that I'm using a web-server (Cocoon) that makes a lot of
jars available for _javascript_ server side evaluation. A lot of the
logic is written in _javascript_ that imports packages from those jars.
The jars in turn, are also part of the application.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to alter the name of a method a Java file,
compile it, and get error in a _javascript_ file that references the old
method name.
The situation (_javascript_ calling on custom java) can't be that
uncommon, so perhaps some support for that would be worth considering?
On 04/21/2010 03:38 PM, Christopher Jaun wrote:
Hello Sven,
JSDT does not understand jar or .class files.
We do not have any tool to automatically generate prototypes.
I don't quite understand what you are trying to do with your java files
or how a classpath container would help your situation? There are
examples containers in the JSDT plugins, for things such as the browser
or firefox/IE libraries. You could look at those for some guidance.
Sven Asp
---04/21/2010 09:33:47 AM---Hi,
I'm trying to make jsdt (editor, inference, etc.) understand that a lot
of objects referenced from the _javascript_ code are Java classes
by another project in my workspace. I haven't been able to figure out
how to alter the global scope to include a jar or .class files. So my
first question is, is that at all possible?
If not, then I assume that I need to create prototypes for my Java
classes. Is there any tool that can be used to automate that?
I guess that a third option would be to write my own classpath
container. Has anyone done something similar?
Sven Asp
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