*From:* wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Keith Chong
*Sent:* 08 април 2009 г. 02:00 ч.
*To:* wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
*Subject:* [wtp-dev] Fw: [wtp-releng] Fw: Galileo must-do: The Babel
Galileo train has been set up
Hi all,
To verify the translatability of WTP, all components should be doing
pseudo translation testing (PTT). This is done in a coordinated
effort with the Babel PTT for the Galileo Simultaneous Release.
The Pseudo Translation packs are now available here:
(or you can use the update site: )
If you don't see yours, then you need to add your map files (see
forwarded note) here: .
Let me know and we'll get the language packs created for you.
After installing the language packs, start eclipse with: -nl en_AA
The plan is to start pseudo translation testing next week (*04/13*).
Please aim to finish no later than *05/05*, (earlier if possible,
before M7 finishes).
Please update bug when your
component is finished testing.
Keith Chong
WTP Web Services
----- Forwarded by Keith Chong/Toronto/IBM on 04/07/2009 06:18 PM -----
*David M Williams <david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx>*
Sent by: wtp-releng-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
03/09/2009 03:39 PM
Please respond to
Webtools releng discussion list <wtp-releng@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[wtp-releng] Fw: Galileo must-do: The Babel Galileo train has
been set up
This will be the responsibility of each Project Lead ... unless
someone wants to volunteer to do them all :)
One tip, if you don't know the exact URL you should use, you can
start with
and navigate to your specific map(s).
For example, for Orbit, it turned out to be
(note the "root=" argument).
And ... as Carl just reminded me ... there's no need to include maps
for test bundles. We don't translate tests.
----- Forwarded by David M Williams/Raleigh/IBM on 03/09/2009 03:34
PM -----
Denis Roy <denis.roy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Babel
committers mailing list <babel-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
03/09/2009 02:59 PM
[cross-project-issues-dev] Galileo must-do: The Babel Galileo train
has been set up
Sent by:
As _Babel_ <> participation is a _Galileo
must-do_ <>, your Galileo map files
may now be entered into the Babel server. Simply log into
_ and use the FOR COMMITTERS link. The map
file URLs you will be entering should be pointing to the HEAD stream
and should be assigned to the version number you will be releasing in
June 2009.
Once your map files are entered, the Babel server will crawl them
every night and pull all the externalized strings, making them
available for translation.
In June, once your code has been tagged as a release in CVS or SVN,
we will update all the map file URLs to point to the Release tag, not
HEAD. The Babel team will do this for you in June if you tell us what
the tag is. For now, don't worry about it -- we'll remind you later.
As an example, the Eclipse project would be defining the map files
for Eclipse 3.5 using the "Download" link in ViewVC HEAD:_
For more information on defining your map files in Babel, please see
the _Babel FAQ for Committers_
<> or ask on the
_Babel newsgroup_
-- *
Denis Roy*_
cross-project-issues-dev mailing list
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