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RE: [wtp-dev] RE: BEA WebLogic Server support in WTP 2.0

Excellent question. The adapters/connectors will be provided in binary form only (closed source), but the BEA license that they will be distributed under will be very flexible and allow for redistribution.
- Konstantin

From: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Todd Williams
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:59 PM
To: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Subject: [wtp-dev] RE: BEA WebLogic Server support in WTP 2.0

>To this end, BEA has made a commitment to freely offer the
>WLS adapters that are currently part of BEA Workshop to all
>of the WTP community.
I'd like a bit of clarity on this as "freely available" and the "WTP community" can mean different things to different people.
1) Will the connectors be open source or closed?
2) Under what license will the connectors be available from BEA?
3) Will this license allow or prohibit redistribution?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 7:45 PM
Subject: RE: [wtp-dev] BEA WebLogic Server support in WTP 2.0

Thanks for the questions. It's good to have these discussions in the open.
As you've noted, this move is consistent with the broad WTP strategy of having server vendors provide and distribute their own server adapters instead of housing adapters for every conceivable server type in the WTP code base. Having said that, the plans presented in this e-mail should not be interpreted as final. Until this e-mail, only a few members of the WTP community were made aware of this and so the purpose of this e-mail (and the copy that I posted to the wtp news group) is to gather comments and feedback from the broad WTP community.
Some additional background information might be useful here... The open-source WLS adapters that are part of the WTP code base are built using Gorkem's excellent generic server framework which makes it super-easy to throw together a server adapter, but does not yield in an industrial-strength solution. Since their initial creation, these adapters have not received much attention. It is of obvious benefit to both BEA and WTP users who write apps for the WebLogic Server that the WLS adapters are first rate. To this end, BEA has made a commitment to freely offer the WLS adapters that are currently part of BEA Workshop to all of the WTP community. This represents a substantial investment on the part of BEA and we see this as big step forward for the entire community. The reason that it is critical to retire the WLS adapters that are part of WTP is that having multiple adapters for the same server available creates massive amounts of user confusion. We've tried that while building BEA Workshop and finally had to perform surgery on WTP distribution that we ship on in order to remove the WTP adapters.
Let me know if there are any other questions.
- Konstantin

From: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Lawrence Mandel
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:49 PM
To: General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues.
Subject: Re: [wtp-dev] BEA WebLogic Server support in WTP 2.0


Admittedly I haven't been following the development of the server adapters shipped with WTP so my questions and comments that follow may have already been answered. If this is the case, sorry for the churn.

Your statement below sounds like BEA made the decision to remove the WLS adapters without the involvement of the WTP community.

1. Was the WTP community consulted to see their reaction to this change?
2. Did the Server Tools component owner (and possibly PMC) agree to the removal of the Open Source, EPL licensed WTP WLS server adapters?

The move from WTP hosted to BEA hosted adapters seems consistent with the WTP plan to have third party server producers provide their own server adapters. However the move from Open Source to proprietary adapters means these Open Source adapters will no longer be available from Eclipse. Removing Open Source components in favour of proprietary adapters may affect WTP users.


Lawrence Mandel

Software Developer
IBM Rational Software
Phone: 905 - 413 - 3814   Fax: 905 - 413 - 4920

"Konstantin Komissarchik" <kosta@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/28/2007 03:57 PM

Please respond to
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."        <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[wtp-dev] BEA WebLogic Server support in WTP 2.0

For WTP 2.0, BEA is planning on providing server adapters for versions 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 and 10.0 of WLS that are downloadable from a BEA update site rather than relying on WLS adapters that are currently bundled with WTP. The adapters that will be provided will be taken from BEA Workshop code base, thus extending the benefits of tight WTP/WLS integration already enjoyed by Workshop users to the broader WTP community. In order to reduce user confusion, the open-source WLS adapters that are currently bundled with WTP will be removed from the WTP distribution and discontinued.

This change will be rolled out in stages:

Stage 1: The open-source WLS adapters will be removed from the WTP code base and replaced with a pointer to a BEA update site. The removed adapters will then be placed on the BEA update site together with the source to comply with EPL requirements. This will happen in the next couple of weeks.

Stage 2: The new WLS adapters will be rolled out to the BEA update site (thus replacing and discontinuing the open-source versions) to coincide with WTP 2.0 GA this summer.

How will this impact the user? In a basic WTP installation, the user will no longer see WLS listed in the list of available servers out of the box. The user will have to click on the "Don't see your server listed? Click here" link in the "New Server Runtime" wizard. That will bring up another wizard that will connect to registered update sites and will allow the user to download and install WLS adapters into the WTP installation. After the first install, the user will be able to use standard Eclipse update-site facilities to search for updates to these plugins. BEA will also provide a way to download a bundle of plugins containing the WLS adapters for administrators who need to create Eclipse distributions for offline users.

Questions? Comments?


  Konstantin Komissarchik
Staff Software Engineer
Phone: 206.296.2962
IM: kosta0120 on Yahoo

BEA Systems, Inc.
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  Barring that natural _expression_ of villainy which we all have, the man looked honest enough.

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