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Re: [wtp-dev] Minutes of the WTP Status Telecon, 2006-04-27
I posted some detail on compatibility
requirements for WTP 2.0 on the Wiki [1]. Please review and comment.
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Web_Tools_Requirements_2.0#Compatibility_with_Other_WTP_Releases
Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division
blog: http://ryman.eclipsedevelopersjournal.com/
phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 4169395063@xxxxxxx
Jeffrey Liu/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Sent by: wtp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
04/28/2006 10:59 AM
Please respond to
"General discussion of project-wide or architectural issues."
<wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> |
| "General discussion of project-wide
or architectural issues." <wtp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
| [wtp-dev] Minutes of the WTP Status
Telecon, 2006-04-27 |
See WTP Status Telecons [1] for more information.
[1] http://eclipse.org/webtools/development/status-telecons/index.html
Amy Wu
Arthur Ryman
Chris Brealey
Chuck Bridgham
David Williams
David Klein
Jeffrey Liu
John Lanuti
Kate Price
Kathy Chan
Keith Chong
Kosta Komissarchik
Larry Dunnell
Lawrence Mandel
Nitin Dahyabhai
Rob Frost
Ted Bashor
Thomas Yip
Tim Deboer
Tim Wagner
1. Actions Items - Jeffrey Liu
Active Items
The following actions items showed some activity last week. [1]
| nor
| P3
| PC
| jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] Document and Communicate Hot Bug Process
| nor
| P3
| PC
| amywu@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] SSE: Review and identify changes in WTP 1.5 that...
| nor
| P3
| PC
| csalter@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] XML: Review and identify changes in WTP 1.5 that...
| nor
| P3
| PC
| cbrealey@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] WS: Review and identify changes in WTP 1.5 that
| nor
| P3
| PC
| cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] J2EE: Review and identify changes in WTP 1.5
| nor
| P3
| PC
| dpchou@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] RDB: Review and identify changes in WTP 1.5 that...
6 bugs found.
Open Items
The following action items
are currently open [2]. Action
items owners should update their status in Bugzilla prior to the status
telecon. Thx.
| nor
| P3
| PC
| csalter@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] XML: Review and identify changes in WTP 1.5 that...
| nor
| P3
| PC
| cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] J2EE: Review and identify changes in WTP 1.5
| nor
| P3
| PC
| dpchou@xxxxxxxxxx
| [action] RDB: Review and identify changes in WTP 1.5 that...
3 bugs found.
[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&chfieldfrom=7d&chfieldto=Now
[2] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/buglist.cgi?short_desc_type=casesubstring&short_desc=%5Baction%5D&product=Web+Tools&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED
Jeff - Updates in bugzilla.
2. WTP 1.0.2 Status
- David Williams
Update Manager site broken: underscores are in some feature version qualifiers
David - Was scheduled to announce yesterday, but found
a bug. So we held off the announcement. Want to discuss it before declaring.
David - At the PMC call tuesday, we agreed to have a 1.0.3
maintenance stream. My recommandation is to fix this bug in 1.0.3. Do a
build before andy other fixes gets in so that the community can use that
Tim - What's the impact of this bug?
David - It affects update manager. Also, if users want
to debug WTP, the they need to get the code from CVS directly. Platfrom
see this as a permanent limitation, so we just have to live with it.
David - If no objections, I'll declare 1.0.2 in the afternoon?
Congratulation everyone on this achievement.
David - Please hold off releasing anything to the maintenance
stream (1.0.3) until this bug is fixed and the update manager site is ready.
David - Also, I suggest all 1.0.3 fixes require some level
of PMC approval.
Arthur - Agree.
Tim - Each build should be treated as a release candidate,
so no regression.
Ted - What's the process for approval? Send request to
the wtp-dev list?
David - Yup, send request to wtp-dev list and PMC members
will vote in the bugzilla.
Jeff - Any dates for 1.0.3?
David - TBD.
Arthur - I think we need to see how adopters are coming
along with 1.0.2. If adopters ship 1.0.2 to customers, it will generate
bugs. We need to see what's the incoming rate and then determine the dates.
3. WTP 1.5 Status
3.1 WTP 1.5 Build Status
- David Williams
David - RC2 is building fine. RC2 will be next Friday according
to the Callisto schedule. Our prereqs will probably release sometime Wed.
We'll spend Thurs smoke test and declare on Fri.
David - There are some failing JUnit testcases that Chuck
and I were talking about. Chuck cannot reproduce them under Windows. Jeff,
can we get test results for these test under another Linux machine?
David - After RC2, fixes will need component lead approval.
Also, I believe it's after RC4 that all projects will announce the bugs
that will be fixed.
Ted - We need to get an architecture review of the thread
safety issue?
Chuck - I'm out next week, we can do it the following Monday.
David - For next week, component lead should have triage
all the bugs so that we can get an accurate count of the number of P1,
P2 and etc.
3.2 WTP 1.5 Hot Bugs
[1] - Jeffrey Liu
[1] http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/plans/1.5/adopter-hotlist-report.html
Ted - Are we using the new hot bug process.
Jeff - Yes, my fault, forgot to include
the queries in the minutes.
4. Other Business -
Arthur - I ran into problems when opening old projects
with 1.5. The projects don't show up.
Chuck - If you open it with the old navigator, you won't
see anything.
Arthur - Not just for Web projects, same goes for any projects.
David - Sounds like a platform bug.
Chuck - I've tried it before and it worked.
Arthur - What's the story for 1.0.2 and 1.5 co-existence?
Chuck - We support it.
Jeff - What about scenario like this one: create project
with 1.0.2, check into CVS. Check out project using 1.5, modify something
(ex. generate a Web service). Check project into CVS. Open project again
with 1.0.2, will this work?
David - Sounds like a good testcase to try.
Arthur - We need to spell out the scenarios that we support
when we do the requirements for 2.0.
David - Goal is to be consistent with the Platform.
David - Another testcase: set preference in 1.0.2. Open
the same workspace with 1.5 and make sure all the preferences are still
valid. Preference sometimes change names, in which case, migration is needed.
Kathy - Are we not going to declare an I build this week?
Meaning we do not need to hold back on releasing?
David - Plan is to not declare one. But keep in mind that
we are in shut down mode, so every build should have some level of stability.
Kathy - We have quite a few fixes this week, would be nice
to have an I build declared.
David - Anyone else want one this week?
Chuck - I would vote for one.
David - OK.
Tim - We have some problems generating the usage report
using the API scanner.
Jeff - I'll take a look and reply to your note.
Jeffrey Liu
IBM Rational Software
IBM Toronto Lab.
8200 Warden Ave. Markham, Ontario, L6G 1C7
Internal mail: D3/UMZ/8200/MKM (D3-268)
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