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[wtp-dev] Agenda for the WTP Status Telecon, 2006-02-09

See WTP Status Telecons [1] for more information.



1. Actions Items - Arthur Ryman

Action items owners should update their status in Bugzilla prior to the status telecon. Thx.

Active Items

The following actions items showed some activity last week. [1] Thx!

123703 nor P3 jkrause@xxxxxxxxxxxxx RESO website --- [action] Start Requirements Meetings for WTP 1.5
124568 nor P3 ryman@xxxxxxxxxx CLOS website 1.5 M5 [action] WTP 1.5 Milestone Plans are not Consistent

2 bugs found.

Open Items

The following action items are currently open [2]

113137 nor P3 kosta@xxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee 1.5 M6 [action] Create a tutorial document for facets
114446 nor P3 cbridgha@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee 1.5 M5 [action] Open API requests for non-API usages in WTP
122187 nor P3 naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW releng 1.0.1 M101 [action] Generate reports of fixed bugs from CVS commit c...
122833 nor P3 jeffliu@xxxxxxxxxx NEW releng 1.0.1 M101 [action] Improve Test Automation
123697 nor P3 kosta@xxxxxxx NEW wst.comm --- [action] Create a written smoke test for Facets.

5 bugs found.



2. WTP 1.0.1 Status

- We are shutting down. Only stop-ship bugs will be approved during shutdown. Any regressions or serious problems that prevent adoption are stop-ship.

2.1) WTP 1.0.1 Build Status - David Williams

2.2) WTP 1.0.1 Hot Bug Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu

120707 blo P2 deboer@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.serv 1.0.1 M101 Downloadable server adapter requires restart
125020 cri P2 deboer@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.serv 1.0.1 M101 Editing the runtime name does update in the server editor
126115 cri P2 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.sse 1.0.1 M101 Deadlock in SSE
126757 cri P3 kosta@xxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee --- J2EE Update Navigation job and Install facet job cause We...

4 bugs found.
2.3) WTP 1.0.1 WST Bug Triage [2] - Arthur Ryman

2.4) WTP 1.0.1 JST Bug Triage [3] - Naci Dai




2.5) WTP Adopter tool and Non-API Code Deprecation [1] - Jeffrey Liu


3. WTP 1.5 Status

3.1) WTP 1.5 Build Status - David Williams

3.2) WTP 1.5 Hot Bug Status [1] - Jeffrey Liu

95903 enh P2 kchong@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.xml 1.5 M5 XML Catalog extension points should support locations wit...
107311 maj P2 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.sse 1.5 M5 IStructuredModel#save(IFile) for SaveAs causes a ghost file
108392 maj P2 kosta@xxxxxxx NEW J2EE Sta 1.5 M5 WTP wizards sometimes fail to start
111545 nor P2 deboer@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.serv 1.5 M6 Seperation of Server and Runtime is causing problems
115892 maj P2 kosta@xxxxxxx NEW wst.comm 1.5 M6 Need Auto-selection of facet dependencies
118251 nor P2 nitind@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.jsp 1.5 M5 update problem with TaglibIndex when adding new jar
118493 enh P2 nagrawal@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.vali 1.5 M5 global validation preferences should be valid for all pro...
118853 maj P2 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee 1.5 M5 ExtendableOperationImpl needs undo/redo support
121153 nor P2 jlanuti@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.j2ee 1.5 M5 Unlinked ejb references are incorrectly filtered.
121583 min P2 gercan@xxxxxxx NEW jst.serv 1.5 M5 Inconvenient error message when creating new server
123596 nor P2 wst-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Web Stan 1.5 M5 Exception while adding server. WebLogic.
123600 nor P2 wst-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW Web Stan 1.5 M5 Exception While Canceling Building.
123941 nor P2 nitind@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.sse 1.5 M5 Content assist and some formater actions can be Undone on...
125524 maj P2 jst.server-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.serv 1.5 M5 PublishUtil.createZipFile() has problem deleting file
125929 maj P2 nagrawal@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.vali 1.5 M5 Invalid reflection errors during EJB validation
126405 enh P2 kosta@xxxxxxx NEW wst.comm 1.5 M5 Add way to execute code whenever a facet combination is met
104815 enh P3 pavery@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.jsp --- JSP Taglib validation
105510 enh P3 nitind@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.jsp --- JSP taglib validation for bad taglib prefix
114599 nor P3 pavery@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.jsp --- Content assistant does not work within a custom tag (jsp:...
115762 enh P3 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.jsp --- Extension points for code completion and validation are n...
123959 nor P3 david_williams@xxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.xml --- Bad performance of XML Editor with large xml files.
126325 nor P3 naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.ejb --- Exceptions when XDoclet version is changed
126327 min P3 pavery@xxxxxxxxxx NEW jst.jsp 1.5 M4 Strange context help
126329 min P3 wst.sse-inbox@xxxxxxxxxxx NEW wst.sse 1.5 M4 java.util.NoSuchElementException

24 bugs found.


4. Other Business - Open

Arthur Ryman,
IBM Software Group, Rational Division

phone: +1-905-413-3077, TL 969-3077
assistant: +1-905-413-2411, TL 969-2411
fax: +1-905-413-4920, TL 969-4920
mobile: +1-416-939-5063, text: 4169395063@xxxxxxx

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