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[udig-dev] Imagemosaic layer in uDig



when I add a Geotools-Imagemosaic with ECW-Files as a Layer in uDig, the icon it shows looks like uDig thinks it is a feature layer (a polygon is shown). But when I add an ECW-file by itself another icon is used for the layer. Is this just an icon problem or is there a possibility to give the imagemosaic layer a different icon?


Another question that might have to do with it: If I add ECW-files by themselves as a layer I can configure (inside the stiyling dialog) options like the scale when these are to be shown or enable caching. If I add several ECW-files as an imagemosaic I can configure options for polygon features, but not the raster options I would like to have. Can I configure those raster options also for imagemosaic layers somehow or is this possible by code?


In Geoserver the layer is shown as a raster layer and I can configure similar options (scale, caching, …) as for single ecw-files as well.


Thanks in advance,

Hendrik Peilke


IBYKUS AG für Informationstechnologie, Erfurt / HRB 108616 - D-Jena / Vorstand: Helmut C. Henkel, Dr. Lutz Richter
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Wolfgang Habel

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