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[udig-dev] uDig Data Structures

Dear uDig developers

I am a Phd-student at the VUB (Brussel, Belgium) in the area of Software Engineering.
My current research focusses on the use of data structures (and the separation of interface
and implementation).

I was hoping if (one of the) uDig developers could answer the following questions:
 -  What is/are the main data structure(s) used by uDig (e.g., GIS-grid or something like that).
 - Are there multiple implementations for that data structure (e.g., for java.util.List we see Vector, ArrayList and LinkedList).
 - What are the algorithms (or type of algorithms) applied to these data structures?
 - Is uDig used sometime with (large) data sets that cause the program to run (more) slow?

Thanks in advance,

Mattias De Wael

Mattias De Wael
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculty of Sciences, DINF - SOFT
Room 10F719, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
e-mail: madewael@xxxxxxxxx

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