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Re: [udig-dev] Eclipse4 support for uDig

Okay final steps:

5. update deploy/udig.html "release notes"
6. cd deploy | ./
7. rename generated artifacts in deploy/build folder to say luna rather than snapshot
8. Upload a release notes and a smattering of deploy artifacts for community testing

Over to you Andrea 

Jody Garnett

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 6:04 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Continuing on:

1. Made a local luna-support branch from
2. Checked Readme.textile for any change to build instructions
- description of branches do not match
3. mvn clean install -f pom-libs.xml
- worked
4.  mvn clean install -Pproduct -Psdk -Pdocs
- taking a long time, kind of expected as it downloads luna artifacts for the first time
- failure building docs! Resolved by copying _static/udig.ico into user/en/udig.ico and devel/en/udig.ico I expect this is due to recent version of sphinx looking for icon before copying static files into position.

Could not figure out how to issue a pull request to BestSolution-at repo, feel free to cherry pick changes from (or I can set up a shared branch).

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