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Re: [udig-devel] Single Band Raster Styling

Hi Andrea,

I'll pass on the massive raster for now :) I was able to get a similar error with something else I was testing. Perhaps when I update you can test again for me.

This is intended.  The "Values to Ignore" are values that are ignored when
computing intervals.  Technically they don't have to be no data values.

What happens technically? You do not read them, right? Then it is
indeed true. Different is if there is a rule in the sld (which I
guess). In that case it could also appear, so that one could play with
it. But this is definitely a minor thing.

I will have to try to see if with this I am able to remove the collar
that comes when reprojecting ortophotos.

The "Compute Values" dialog has very little to do with sld. It basically computes a set of numbers. For example, for equal intervals it computes the min and max of the raster and divides it by the number of intervals you requested. The "values to ignore" are values that are not taken into account when computing the min and max.

So if your raster has the value -9999,0-10 and you don't put anything in the "values to ignore" dialog you'll get breaks of -9999, -8998, -7997, ... 10. If you put -9999 in the "values to ignore" box then you will get breaks of 0,1,2....10.

For your issue of the collar when reprojection orthophotos, you will need to add an extra row to the map theming table (on the main page) with an opacity of 0, value of the "collar" value, and a label of "-no data-" (if you don't want it to show up in the legend).

At one point in the past you mentioned NaN numbers in rasters - I get the impression the geotools styling engine does not support this? As soon as I put a NaN value in the sld, all other styling is ignored. Perhaps I am doing something wrong.



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