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Re: [udig-devel] ModalTool Change Listener

Can I ask why you want to do this? It will help me figure out how we should fix it … normally the tools are "driving" the application (you know registering listeners, changing the cursor, proving a context menu, taking over the selection the map advertises, etc…)

if we are forced to listen to the tools enable and disable then perhaps you have discovered a new responsibility for the tools?

So yes please tell me more :-)

If ToolLifecycleListener is expected to be called then we should be able to make a fix; perhaps you could check in ToolManager with a debugger and spot where we should fire the event from?

Jody Garnett

On Monday, 16 April 2012 at 11:41 PM, omur yavuz wrote:

I've read my previous mail again and its slipshod, apoligies.

I want to catch whenever active modal tool changes , smth like

IToolChangeListener {
activeToolChanged(Event evt) ;

Looks like there is no implementation like this. so i tried to listen specific tools lifecycle ;

ApplicationGIS.getToolManager().findTool("......polygonEdit").addListener(new ToolLifecycleListener(){

public void changed(ToolLifecycleEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
bla bla bla

but changed method is not being called when edit tool activated or deactivated.

can you give me an advice plz :)

On Apr 16, 2012, at 4:22 PM, omur yavuz wrote:

I ve got a problem with modal tools :). i want to listen modal tool selection change and activate my viewport based selection of the tool. For example
i ll make myviewpart only polygon tool and line tool selected . i tried several methods to do ;

1) Listening Balackboard : its working to listen edit state , i can catch starting editing but can't handle switching to another tool like zoom
2) listening tool lifecycle : added IToolLifecycleListener , workbench didn't call change event after i clicked tool.

can you give me an advice ?

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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