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Re: [udig-devel] launch of net.refractions.udig product fails

> I am confused; when you open up udig.product - and choose the "run" button near the bottom of the page - it runs as a product does it not?

No, it doesn't. I have to run from "Run As" menu, and set run as a
product. Clicking on the "run" button in the product configuration
view doesn't work (nothing happens).

> What were you doing before?
> Jody
> On 30/08/2010, at 1:43 AM, G. Allegri wrote:
>> One step more. Inside the Run Configuration I've chosen to run a
>> product (the net.refreactions.udig.product) instead of an application,
>> and everything starts correctly, as in the Quickstart, with the intro
>> window, and the images.
>> So, recap:
>> - starting uDig from the product configuration doesn't work.
>> - I had to configure the Run and explcitly select "Run a product".
>> giovanni
>> 2010/8/29 G. Allegri <giohappy@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>> I've manually set Application (Run Configuration) to
>>> net.refractions.udig.ui.application.
>>> Now it starts up with the following log:
>>> (the application image doesn't show...
>>> 2010/8/29 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> So it is these two launch configurations that are causing trouble; they don't line up with what is expected.
>>>> You sure you cannot hit validate selected plugins? (You may have to delete your run configuration and created it again from the udig.product; you may also want to remove the temporary runtime workspace).
>>>> I think we need to ask if anyone else on the list here has gotten the SDK environment working (I cannot remember if I just tested on mac .. perhaps there is a pc specific trouble).
>>>> Jody
>>>> On 27/08/2010, at 6:01 PM, G. Allegri wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Jody for the reply.
>>>>> There's something strange in my configuration (I think).
>>>>> If I run from the Launch configuration I receive
>>>>> As you can see from [1], the application to launch is
>>>>> org.eclipse.ui.ide.workbench. If I change the option to launch a
>>>>> product (net.refractions.udig.product), uDig starts (with lots of
>>>>> warnings, but this is another story).
>>>>> The plugin tab shows no plugins in workspace. Thay appear if I change
>>>>> the combo "Launch with:", and I select "plugins selected below only"
>>>>> or "features...".
>>>>> I don't know what's wrong. It seems that the configuration, shipped
>>>>> with the net.refractions.udig product plugin doesn't fit for me...
>>>>> giovanni
>>>>> [1]:
>>>>> [2]:
>>>>> [3]:
>>>>> 2010/8/27 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>> That sounds correct to me; one thing to is to do is ..
>>>>>> 1. after failing once
>>>>>> 2. open up Run Configuration
>>>>>> 3. select the uDig configuration; and go to the plugins tab
>>>>>> 4. Hit "validate plugins" and tell us if any plugins could not be loaded (usually because their dependencies are missing from the SDK+Delta Pack)
>>>>>> Jody
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