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Re: [udig-devel] [udig-users] netCDF support

> Taking this conversation to the devel list since we are now talking about
> jars and releases :-)


> Andrea you can start the release cycle for 1.2.1 if you like; many of the
> scripts are in place.
> A couple of questions:
> - Is there a copy of the imageio-ext plugins needed for netCDF available to
> be used? (libs refresh.xml did include several but they did not match the
> version - and may even of been SNAPSHOTs?).
> Here is what refresh.xml has ...
> <!-- stuff for netcdf -->
> <dependency groupId="org.geotools" artifactId="gt-temporal"
> version="${geotools.version}" />
> <dependency groupId="it.geosolutions.imageio-ext"
> artifactId="imageio-ext-netcdf-core" version="1.1-SNAPSHOT" />
> <dependency groupId="it.geosolutions.imageio-ext"
> artifactId="imageio-ext-netcdf" version="1.1-SNAPSHOT" />
> <dependency groupId="it.geosolutions.imageio-ext"
> artifactId="imageio-ext-utilities" version="1.0.6-1" />
> <dependency groupId="it.geosolutions.imageio-ext"
> artifactId="imageio-ext-geocore" version="1.0.6-1" />
> <dependency groupId="opendap" artifactId="opendap" version="2.1" />
> So what is it that you need for netCDF to work?

I have no idea right now and no time to digg into it.

Aug 30, 2010 9:52:27 AM <clinit>
SEVERE: it/geosolutions/imageio/ndplugin/BaseImageReaderSpi
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
	at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.defineClass(

suggests me that the imageioext-geocore should be of the trunk
versione, but even if I try with that, it doesn't work.
It is a while I do not follow those jar-mixes any more. This is
frustrating every time.


> Jody
> On 26/08/2010, at 11:39 PM, andrea antonello wrote:
> Hi Wade,
> I just gave the dataet a try and it is as I thought.
> In the new udig a library necessary for loading the netcdf datasets
> has been removed during the last releasing.
> That is really bad, since the JGrass plugins that way miss the lib and
> do not work for netcdf. I just now tried to substitute the new lib
> into the udig libs plugin, but that is not enough.
> This will mean that I will have to do a new release for JGrass, which
> I won't be able to do in a very short time I am afraid. This is a
> really bad problem, i'll try my best to get it going as soon as
> possible.
> Andrea
> On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Cooper, Wade <Wade.Cooper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Andrea,
> Thanks for the feedback.
> Here's an example THREDDS dataset where I get 'unable to load' in the
> Catalog going through the NetCDF Dataset Wizard:
> It opens up fine with the Java netCDF API and ToolsUI.  All local files i've
> tested too end up with the same inability to load through JGrass.  Let me
> know if you have any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong, or if there's
> a bug with the new release.
> Thanks,
> Wade
> -----Original Message-----
> From: udig-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:udig-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of andrea
> antonello
> Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:37 AM
> Cc: udig-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [udig-users] netCDF support
> Hi Wade,
> I recently installed uDig v 1.2 and would like to view netCDF files.  I've
> seen mention of netCDF support directly in uDig, at least discussed in a
> user-list email last January.  However, I couldn't find an option to open a
> netCDF file in uDig- is this dataset option still a proposal?  If so, any
> estimates on when it may be incorporated?
> I had started a proposal to include the netcdf format into the udig
> core, but it was blocked by some packagenaming-lincense issues. So no
> idea when I want to start on that soon.
> I found some examples of netCDF support through the JGrass plugins so I
> installed them.  But, when I try using the Netcdf Dataset Wizard to open
> local .nc files or files on a THREDDS server, I keep getting an 'unable to
> load' in the uDig catalog.
> That is odd and might be due to some package mismatch from the
> imageio-ext that is now in udig.
> I didn't try that for the release (thought there would be no
> problems), but I sure want to have netcdf working for JGrass.
> Has netCDF support has been incorporated into uDig and/or JGrass, and if so,
> what may I be missing to open these files?
> I guess nothing, it is probably a bug, since anyways it should not
> write "unable to open map".
> I will look into it, would you be able to send me a file that doesn't
> work for you?
> Ciao,
> Andrea
> Thanks.
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