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Re: [udig-devel] [udig-users] netCDF support

Taking this conversation to the devel list since we are now talking about jars and releases :-)

Andrea you can start the release cycle for 1.2.1 if you like; many of the scripts are in place.

A couple of questions:
- Is there a copy of the imageio-ext plugins needed for netCDF available to be used? (libs refresh.xml did include several but they did not match the version - and may even of been SNAPSHOTs?).

Here is what refresh.xml has ...
<!-- stuff for netcdf -->
<dependency groupId="org.geotools" artifactId="gt-temporal" version="${geotools.version}" />
<dependency groupId="it.geosolutions.imageio-ext" artifactId="imageio-ext-netcdf-core" version="1.1-SNAPSHOT" />
<dependency groupId="it.geosolutions.imageio-ext" artifactId="imageio-ext-netcdf" version="1.1-SNAPSHOT" />
<dependency groupId="it.geosolutions.imageio-ext" artifactId="imageio-ext-utilities" version="1.0.6-1" />
<dependency groupId="it.geosolutions.imageio-ext" artifactId="imageio-ext-geocore" version="1.0.6-1" />
<dependency groupId="opendap" artifactId="opendap" version="2.1" />

So what is it that you need for netCDF to work?


On 26/08/2010, at 11:39 PM, andrea antonello wrote:

Hi Wade,
I just gave the dataet a try and it is as I thought.

In the new udig a library necessary for loading the netcdf datasets
has been removed during the last releasing.
That is really bad, since the JGrass plugins that way miss the lib and
do not work for netcdf. I just now tried to substitute the new lib
into the udig libs plugin, but that is not enough.

This will mean that I will have to do a new release for JGrass, which
I won't be able to do in a very short time I am afraid. This is a
really bad problem, i'll try my best to get it going as soon as


On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Cooper, Wade <Wade.Cooper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Andrea,

Thanks for the feedback.

Here's an example THREDDS dataset where I get 'unable to load' in the Catalog going through the NetCDF Dataset Wizard:

It opens up fine with the Java netCDF API and ToolsUI.  All local files i've tested too end up with the same inability to load through JGrass.  Let me know if you have any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong, or if there's a bug with the new release.


-----Original Message-----
From: udig-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:udig-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of andrea antonello
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:37 AM
Cc: udig-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [udig-users] netCDF support

Hi Wade,

I recently installed uDig v 1.2 and would like to view netCDF files.  I've
seen mention of netCDF support directly in uDig, at least discussed in a
user-list email last January.  However, I couldn't find an option to open a
netCDF file in uDig- is this dataset option still a proposal?  If so, any
estimates on when it may be incorporated?

I had started a proposal to include the netcdf format into the udig
core, but it was blocked by some packagenaming-lincense issues. So no
idea when I want to start on that soon.

I found some examples of netCDF support through the JGrass plugins so I
installed them.  But, when I try using the Netcdf Dataset Wizard to open
local .nc files or files on a THREDDS server, I keep getting an 'unable to
load' in the uDig catalog.

That is odd and might be due to some package mismatch from the
imageio-ext that is now in udig.
I didn't try that for the release (thought there would be no
problems), but I sure want to have netcdf working for JGrass.

Has netCDF support has been incorporated into uDig and/or JGrass, and if so,
what may I be missing to open these files?

I guess nothing, it is probably a bug, since anyways it should not
write "unable to open map".
I will look into it, would you be able to send me a file that doesn't
work for you?



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