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Re: [udig-devel] GeoWebCache and udig WMSC

Frank Gasdorf ha scritto:
Hey Andrea,
I just tried with the WMSC Wizard but got the same result: No layers are as sub elements down under the catalog entry. If i put the URL in the browser I got a capability document without the VendorSpecificCapabilitiessection. Even the WMS 1.1.1 link 'WMS 1.1.1 GetCapabilities document <>' returns a document without this section (TILED is uppercase). It looks much more inconsistent in the geowebcache universe. I already posted a message to the geowebcache developer list but didn't got an answer up to now. Do you know anybody who develops for this project we can trigger?

I know both developers personally but if they did not have time to answer so far I cannot just magically give them some.
If you're in a hurry to get the problem solved you'll have to look
into the sources yourself, or go for commercial support


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo -
Expert service straight from the developers.

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