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[udig-devel] uDig 1.2 RC2 uploaded; not anounced yet....

I have uploaded uDig 1.2 RC2 to the website (and moved the earlier RC1 off to the branches page - only worth having one RC on the main download page).

What remains to be done ...
- tag in svn :-)
- release notes (think of something sensible to say here)
- NSIS windows installer 
- test SDK Quickstart and upload a new PDF (the last one had some links wrong)

Nice to haves:
- Mac OSX Installer
- Linux 64 JRE (I have the release sitting here but with out a jre it is not worth uploading)
- Windows 64 JRE (I have the release sitting here but with out a jre it is not worth uploading)

With respect to our public documentation - many of these are being maintained in our commercial training materials svn (and thus I end up doing it). I am thinking of thinking of moving the SDKQuickstart open office document into a the uDig repository as Is this a good idea?


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