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Re: [udig-devel] Error disposing catalog

The error log is always available in the .metadata/.log file that is in your uDig workspace.


On 18-Dec-08, at 11:18 PM, Silvia Franceschi wrote:

Hey Jesse,
:-) I really don't know where to see it because it happens when I close uDig and so I don't have the possibility to check in the error log...
How can I check for this?


On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 7:09 AM, Jesse Eichar <jesse.eichar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Silvia,

What is the line number and class where the exception takes place?

Silvia Franceschi wrote:
> Hi all,
> just to report a small problem I have both in my linux and mac udig
> installation. And some friends told me they have also in windows.
> It doesn't happen always but sometimes when I close the uDig I have
> this message:
> "Error disposing members of Catalog: http://localhost" the Reason is
> the same and the details give a JavaNullPointerException.
> I think it is something related to the internet access but now it
> happes also with an active internet connection...
> Ciao, thanks
> --
> Silvia
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> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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