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[udig-devel] walkthrough 2 feedback and restart

(- note, x problem)
- Configuration is saved between installs of uDig in the AppData folder on vista

layer create
- The Layer Create dialog does not appear as normal dialog (more like a big tooltip)

copy and paste content:
- Copy and paste of features works with in udig, but I can longer paste into notepad to look at the gml or jts wkt (even when messing with the data transfer preference page). - When pasting the roads into the "New Taz" map you will need to make sure that the lakes are no longer selected. When something is already selected the "Paste" operations does no work (although it is not grayed out either).

Layer export
- When exporting a selected layer it should *know* we are doing a "Layer Export" rather than asking us to choose between export wizards. - The layer export page does not have a wizard title, we should specify this is only for shapefiles right now etc... - During layer export the ability to change the export projection is not obvious (we can add a note to that effect for the wizard description) - when selecting the crs column the "WSG84" name changes to show the WKT in a complete loss of context. - It woudl be nice if we could do the same trick with the system save dialog as we do when opening files (bring up the save dialog overtop of the wizard). - When a scratch layer is exported we should swap the existing maps over to use it, at the very least we should import the result into the catalog and make sure it is selected after the export is completed.

Hole cutting tools
- worked much better this time arround

Create Geometry
x clicking with a geometry selected (for example the polygon with a hole cut in it) will destory the existing polygon (update hitting refresh will show that it is not actually removed yet, but when you actually double click to "finish" your geomtry the last edited geometry is actually destroyed.

Trying to see what is going on with Table view....
- Right clicking on a feature, the zoom to feature option is still around, but the text is missing leaving only an icon in the context menu

I am going to give up and rewrite walkthrough 2 to work on editing shapefiles. Initial testing shows that they behave much better...

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