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[udig-devel] Agent Based Modeling

Our scientific visualization and agent based modeling group,, is starting to use GIS in our work quite a bit. We've done a wildfire evacuation model (using Python's gdal/shapelib libraries and's 3D visualization with DEM/Satellite imagery), a crowd evacuation model (using netlogo and GIS raster data), and sea-level analysis using Python and Google Earth.

This works fine, but we'd like to become more expert in the GIS world, so are evaluating the open platforms available (our work is open source as far as possible). So we've been looking at the alternatives and stumbled across uDig's great project (thanks!).

A couple of ideas have come up for us:

1 - A new layer type called an "active layer". This would form the basis for agent based modeling on top of GIS data. Note: ABM is described here:
Basically ABMs are comprised of many "agents" which are independent software objects with their own local rules rather than a centralized "intelligence". Our models often have 10-100 thousand agents. Cars on a street, investors in a market, people in a crowd, birds in a flock, ants in a swarm, and so on.

We've had success using non-ABM systems for modeling .. Processing being the best recent example. Do you think this would work with uDig? The idea would be for a top-level layer to be able to inquire about its environment (roads, rivers, houses etc) and to be able to move around in this.

To get an idea of this sort of thing, here is a stadium evacuation done in Processing:
It has active agents (the moving point) running on Processing's stadium wireframe. We'd like the same thing .. for example boats on the canals of Venice!

2 - 3D: Its surprisingly useful to use 3D in modeling. Netlogo lets you build a 2D model, then pop it into a 3D view where you easily zoom around to see details. JOGL has helped Java a bunch in this regard.

So the two questions are:
- Would it be easy to build an "active layer" for many agents to move on within uDig? We'd assume this might require double buffering or similar to make the static GIS data not be redrawn each "frame" of the agent "movie".
- Can we currently pop a set of layers into 3D with uDig?

Thanks for the help!

    -- Owen

Owen Densmore

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