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Re: [udig-devel] Re: udig trunk is ready (and gloriously unstable)

Maybe we need one of those branchy trees...

uDig 1.0.x is a branch, which uses GeoTools 2.1.x
uDig 1.1.x is now also a branch, which uses GeoTool 2.2.x and that's where the RCs are being cut from uDig 1.1.1 will be from that same 1.1.x branch, but will use GeoTools 2.3.x (whooaa, duuude!) uDig 1.2.x is not branch yet. the development stream that will eventually be branched into a 1.2.x branch is currently trunk

Clear as mud?

On 6-Dec-06, at 7:52 PM, Andy Czerwonka wrote:

Second thought... in chatting with Jesse he did mention RC7 will come off
the branch.  Now I'm confused...

"Andy Czerwonka" <czerwonka@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote
in message news:el82gq$csq$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx...
thanks guys - I'll work off the trunk and let you know how it progresses

"Jody Garnett" <jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
You can now expect your checkout of udig trunk/ to work again, Cory has fixed things up so GeoTools 2.4-SNAPSHOT can be deployed .. this is what
slowed down Andy earlier in the day.

A couple of things to note:
- We are using a new implementation for raster support, everything is "different" - ie different faster, and different difficulties (so please
send bug reports because this time we can probably fix them)
- The scalebar is busted (some changes to the "GeodeticCalculator" I
- Currently arcsde and hsql plugins are not expected to work or compile - jesse is working on the former and the later will be dropped unless there
is an interested volunteer

If you are updating your own code please consider the following page as a
handy reference:
- +for+uDig+Developers

If you are not updating your code please consider the following page as a
handy reference:
- +for+uDig+Developers

Yes they are the same page, if you can avoid deprecated code updating
will go smoothly.

I have celebrated by making a copy of my community plug-ins available

You can check out this code in order to play with the tile renderer shown
in the following screen snap. Thanks to Martin for making the fix to
scaleDenominator - everything is happy now.

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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