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[udig-devel] Re: udig trunk is ready (and gloriously unstable)

thanks guys - I'll work off the trunk and let you know how it progresses

"Jody Garnett" <jgarnett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in 
message news:45777C07.40903@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
> You can now expect your checkout of udig trunk/ to work again, Cory has 
> fixed things up so GeoTools 2.4-SNAPSHOT can be deployed .. this is what 
> slowed down Andy earlier in the day.
> A couple of things to note:
> - We are using a new implementation for raster support, everything is 
> "different" - ie different faster, and different difficulties (so please 
> send bug reports because this time we can probably fix them)
> - The scalebar is busted (some changes to the "GeodeticCalculator" I 
> surmise)
> - Currently arcsde and hsql plugins are not expected to work or compile - 
> jesse is working on the former and the later will be dropped unless there 
> is an interested volunteer
> If you are updating your own code please consider the following page as a 
> handy reference:
> - 
> If you are not updating your code please consider the following page as a 
> handy reference:
> - 
> Yes they are the same page, if you can avoid deprecated code updating will 
> go smoothly.
> I have celebrated by making a copy of my community plug-ins available 
> here:
> -
> You can check out this code in order to play with the tile renderer shown 
> in the following screen snap. Thanks to Martin for making the fix to 
> scaleDenominator - everything is happy now.

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