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Re: [udig-devel] can uDig access the wms_abstract attribute?

Emilio Mayorga wrote:

I'm using uDig 1.0.0 on Windows. I'm learning how to set up WMS servers, and use them in clients. I've set up a simple map file with a Mapserver 4.0 (yes, ancient) server, with two point layers. Each of the layers has a wms_abstract attribute in the LAYER > METADATA element. I can load and display the layers in uDig and ArcMap 9.0 without problems. ArcMap will show me the wms_abstract attribute, but I can't find a way to see it in uDig. Even the layer wms_title seems only partly available: it's used by default to assign the layer name, but I can't see it listed when I select the layer (under either Layers or Catalog) and go to Analysis > Information > Resource Summary.

Funny you should ask I am hacking at WMS Layers in udig right now, right now uDig only shows you leaf layers. I am switching it over so it can reveal the parent/child relationships.

Am I missing something? I'd like to use uDig as a client for thoroughly testing my WMS server implementation.

You are not missing anything, as an application uDig only shows a small slice of "dublin core" style metadata.
The actual information you want is available at a programatic level.

If it is important for you you can quickly copy the tool you mentioned above to show you the contents of the WMS Layer.

My WMS layers work fine in all other respects; they play nice with local shape files, display the symbology I intended, etc.

That is great!

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